Proud to be Making Smart Decisions

I’ve been struggling a lot to deal with a balancing act of going out and being social, getting my work done and being healthy by eating right and exercising.  Last night, I felt like I tackled it perfectly!

In anticipation of going out to dinner last night, I went onto the restaurant’s website and chose what I wanted to eat, as I posted about yesterday!  Planning for this, I really tried to stick to my meals I brought, eating only more fruit than I anticipated, but that was okay.  I had an afternoon snack of a Chocolate Chip QuestBar.  Afterschool, I cancelled a meeting because I wasn’t prepared, and had more free time on my hands than I thought I would.  I couldn’t go for a run, because I’d be locked out (I probably could have figured out a way if I really wanted to…but…) So instead, I walked a co-worker home as we talked about weight loss, and then turned around and went back downtown, leaving me with a total of 2.5 miles until I hit the area of the restaurant.  I was starting to stress at work about everything I needed to do, so I decided instead of sitting in a bar and drinking my worries away, like I wanted to, I went to Starbucks.  I sat down, had an iced Americano (since the signed said it was lower in calories than their iced coffee, by about 100 calories) and used the time to plan some upcoming events.

I planned out some Burlesque Bikini Bootcamp classes that I had bought a 10-pack on Groupon.  I set up all 10 over the next month, so I have no excuses now.  Next is to plan the rest of my Sacred studio classes I also bought on Groupon.  I’m going to set those up for July, since they expire in August.  No more excuses and allowing myself to take the easy way out!

About the time for dinner, I walked over.  When I met up with the group, my world was shattered!  Norman’s Cay, the restaurant didn’t have their normal menu the entire week.  Apparently in NYC, its Caribbean week and so the restaurant was highlighting a different country each night.  Last night was Barbados.  They were only cooking 3 dishes!


Nothing on that menu looked remotely healthy!  I was freaking out, and couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do about it.  This was until about 10 minutes later when the entire group arrived and we were seated.  I realized an older member said something about sharing.  Once it finally clicked, I decided that was a great idea.


The appetizers arrived, fried fish, but not how I expected them.  They weren’t even breaded.  I took the top piece, that wasn’t sitting in the cream sauce, and some of the mango and cabbage salsa.  It was light and a scrumptious start to the night.


Next the main meal arrived, the pork chop with macaroni and cole slaw.  We split this as well.


This was a much better portion!  It was tender, tasty and everything I wanted it to be.  I was not unhappy that it was a changed menu.


Lastly, was dessert, which was a grape cake with ice cream.  Wow.  The cake was blondie like, as a harder cake.  I wanted to lick my plate clean to get the remaining ice cream, but contained myself.

We paid and left, and instead of meeting other friends for drinks, I walked home.  It was a warm, crisp night with a clear sky.  I felt accomplished and satisfied.  If I ate the entire 3-course meal on my own, I would have been busting and uncomfortable.

I walked home, enjoying the night sky.  I noticed the smile on my face most of the way.  I felt confident and excited.  The shirt I was wearing, I felt showed me some of the progress I have been making.


Once I got close to home, I went to the food store to buy things to make for a potluck BBQ I am going to tonight.  I wanted something on the healthier side and chose to make my mom’s homemade salsa with chips.  I’m also bringing corn on the cob for the grill with some cilantro butter.

I got home, and was hungry!  What?!?  I ate a spoonful of peanut butter and moved myself away from the kitchen.  I ended up going to sleep and waking up this morning in order to make the stuff for tonight!

I was not going to allow an overeating session to occur after I did so well at the restaurant.  I felt it all paid off when I got on the scale this morning and was down a pound from yesterday.  I think that was a combination of things, particularly because I walked 8 miles the day before and didn’t see a change on the scale.  I know I still shouldn’t weigh myself everyday because I fluctuate so much, but I need to see the numbers to maintain my focus.

As for now, I need to plan and execute a safe plan for this weekend, as I am going out tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night and Sunday for parties.


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