Mixed Feelings

This journey is always an up and down battle, and the emotions I have follow! This time around, however, I really am trying not to let anything that I can’t control bother me. Then there are the things I can’t control, and make the wrong decisions about… then I need to let go of that also! I can’t cry over spilled milk.

When I went food shopping this past weekend, I was a little lazy in putting things together. However, even with my busy schedule I made sure to do so on Monday. I also made baggies of grapes for a quick treat. Since they were on sale, I bagged them in 1 cup servings and stuck them in the freezer for when I’m hot and want something to cool me off.

Tuesday I weighed in and regardless of all the working out I did on Monday, I stayed exactly the same. I have to remember though, that since I weighed in last Tuesday I lost 1.8, even though I went up this weekend! And I had so many events to combat this weekend, I need to be happy with that. I’m just anticipating the 160’s and want to be back in them to stay already… at least until I move out of them on the lower end, as opposed to the higher end as it’s been.

The day progressed, I headed to work and craved carbs. I don’t know if it was all the working out or just plain mental, but I wanted a bagel. I settled on a egg white wake up wrap from Dunkin Donuts and a large coffee to add to my coffee I prepared. I was just tired and wanted to wake up before it became problematic in my eating. I finished breakfast with a banana.


I had lunch as normal, eating my taco salad which I made in pieces on Sunday and put together at the time I was ready to eat it so nothing became soggy. I hate a soggy salad!


This is went I started to go awry. Some of my students were acting out and not completing their work. I had to finish assessments and this was frustrating me. So what did I do? Eat cookies. My para brought me in 2 Chips Ahoy cookies of a new flavor. They were soft, chewy and sweet!


But I didn’t stop there, I ate 3 Girl Scout Thin Mints and went for more, but that’s when I realized I was emotionally eating and stopped. I knew I wasn’t running and didn’t want to go incredibly over my calories for the day. I logged everything though, which is another step I need to work on regularly. I went to the doctor for my foot, so I wasn’t sure how the rest of the week would go. I was able to walk home, but it started hurting close to home!

I got home and wasn’t too hungry, I was thinking maybe I didn’t need dinner. I was more tired than anything and figured maybe I should just go to sleep. But I put on the tv and started picking. First it was frozen grapes, then cheese, then chocolate covered almonds. I stopped and ate dinner instead. Like the night before, a frozen package of veggies and chicken. Tonight I put some parm cheese on top, and continued to pick at it until my food was finished heating up. I ate and felt unfull, this was interesting considering an hour before I wasn’t even hungry. I continued to pick and before I knew it I forced myself inside to go to sleep. I’m glad I made that decision before I really went to town!

I slept for solid hours last night, and woke up feeling ok. I was unsure of the damage that snacking did, and contemplated the scale, but got on anyway and was happy with what I saw. It gave me confidence for today, since tonight I am heading to a dinner event.

The day went well, and I didn’t pick too much. I sucked on mints this afternoon when I wanted to start snacking with the kids. Then since I was limping with my foot hurting, I didn’t go for my run, rather I headed to Old Navy for a one day sale and bought 4 new pairs of running pants and 2 shirts (along with 2 really cute dresses I saw). Now I sit at Cosi, drinking coffee awaiting dinner at Max Brenner with friends. This concerns me because they are a chocolate restaurant and not much on the menu is relatively healthy. Even the salads are served on top of a waffle! I’ve been analyzing the menu and still am unsure of what I will be eating. There are a few possible options, including the grilled salmon, a salad without the waffle, a hummus appetizer, and a fruit smoothie for dessert, instead of chocolate! I need to go in strong and end stronger!

Here goes…..

After dinner:

So I met up with the group for dinner/dessert.  Once inside, the chocolate overwhelmed me!  We got seated and I couldn’t figure out what to do!  Everything was so indulgent on the menu.  I decided, what the hell, this place had been open for 8 years, and this is the first time I’ve been there.  It might take me 8 more years to get back.  After asking the waiter like 5 questions about the menu, I settled on a S’mores Sundae:

The Spectacular Melting Chocolate S’mores Sundae:

chocolate peanut butter ice cream, layered with milk chocolate fondue, fluffy marshmallow, warm peanut butter sauce, pure chocolate chunks. garnished with whipped cream and a toasted marshmallow, served with white chocolate ganache

I couldn’t believe my eyes when it arrived!



The sundae was gigantic, and I only ate about a third of the bowl.  Everyone at the table had a few bites, and there was still a decent portion left over.  I kept drinking water as to not go into a sugar coma it was so much.  But I was full.  We left and I needed to walk a little, so I headed downtown a few train stations.  Instead of hopping on the train, I ended up walking home, a solid 5 miles.  I hope that was enough to burn some of that ice cream off.  Ahhh but there are no regrets.  The sundae was good, I didn’t pig out, and I wasn’t overly full when I left, I was simply content!

Walking home, I was happy I wore my tighter jeans to remind myself to stay in check.  I might have overeaten if I was wearing my bigger jeans, because there would have been more room.

As for now… I am ready for bed as it is late yet again, and I haven’t been getting enough sleep, but I have been trying to take care of myself in other ways.  Adding sleep in is next!



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